Sep 29, 2009

So I keep having to drop these amazing opportunities and I'm not liking it. But I do it because it's for the best right now. At least for this year.

I had a chance to be apart of "Diamonds" but I just wasn't able to make practices. I was supposed to be apart of "2/47" now that they officially added the girls in this year, but my schedule doesn't have time to fit that in as well. I dropped a teaching job because it was inconvenient and I didn't know how that was supposed to fit my schedule either. Then there was the offer to teach "LA Matheson" but I'm already teaching "Sullivan's Senior Dance Team". Following Matheson I got an offer this morning to coach "RC Palmer's Senior Dance Team," yet another opportunity I can't take.

My life is being run by a schedule. And at the moment my schedule consist of Work (4/5 days a week), Dance (sickstylz, coaching Sullivan & teaching with SVS), School which starts this friday with orientation, and lastly family/self time. I don't include bf time or friends in this schedule because I only get to see my boyfriend every other weekend or so (unfortunately), and there is almost no time to plan anything with friends. Or I'm just to tired from work and rather spend that time to myself.

When I look at my schedule it consists of mostly dance. Last night I made the decision to cut back even more on dance. I'm going to miss it soo much but I know it's going to be for the better, at least I think. I'll save money, and have extra time on my hands to work!

I'm doing it. Nothing is going to change my mind now. Ugh I know he's going to hate me for this.. :(

Sorry for yet another disappointment.

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